Where to Write? Personal Blog vs Medium

By Suraj Chaudhary

In today’s digital age, there are plenty of platforms available for writers to share their work with the world. Among them, personal blogs and Medium have gained significant popularity among writers. Both platforms have their own set of benefits and drawbacks, making it challenging for writers to decide where to write.

In this article, we will explore the differences between personal blogs and Medium and help you make an informed decision on where to publish your content.

As a writer, you want your work to reach as many readers as possible. While writing on a personal blog and Medium both have their pros and cons, choosing the right platform can help you achieve your goals.

In the following sections, we will explore the differences between personal blogs and Medium and help you make an informed decision on where to publish your content.

What is a Personal Blog?

A personal blog is a website created and maintained by an individual, typically with a specific niche or topic in mind. Personal blogs provide writers with complete control over their content, including the design and functionality of the website.

Writers can also monetize their personal blogs through affiliate marketing or advertising. However, personal blogs require a lot of work in terms of creating and maintaining content, driving traffic, and keeping the website updated.

Pros of Writing on a Personal Blog

  • Complete control over your content and website design
  • Possibility to monetize through affiliate marketing or advertising
  • Establishing a personal brand

Cons of Writing on a Personal Blog

  • Requires a significant amount of work to create and maintain the content
  • Responsibility for driving traffic to your website
  • Limited reach compared to platforms like Medium

What is Medium?

Medium is a popular online publishing platform that allows writers to create and publish content for free. Medium offers writers access to a large and engaged audience, making it easy for writers to get their work in front of readers.

Additionally, Medium takes care of the technical aspects of publishing, such as hosting, design, and maintenance. However, Medium has some limitations, such as limited control over design and functionality.

Pros of Writing on Medium

  • Access to a large and engaged audience
  • Easy-to-use platform for publishing
  • Medium takes care of hosting, design, and maintenance

Cons of Writing on Medium

  • Limited control over design and functionality
  • No possibility to monetize through affiliate marketing or advertising
  • Content is hosted on a third-party platform

Which Platform Should You Choose?

Choosing between a personal blog and Medium depends on your personal goals as a writer. If you want complete control over your content and website design and want to establish a personal brand, a personal blog is the way to go.

However, if you want to reach a large audience and focus solely on writing without worrying about the technical aspects of publishing, Medium is the better option.

Factors to Consider

  • Your goals as a writer
  • Your level of technical expertise
  • Your budget for website hosting and maintenance
  • Your desire for control over website design and functionality
  • Your aim to make money online


Both personal blogs and Medium have their advantages and disadvantages, making it challenging to choose where to write. Ultimately, the choice depends on your personal goals as a writer and the level of control you desire over your content and website design. A personal blog offers complete control but requires more work, while Medium provides access to a large audience without requiring technical expertise.

Suraj Chaudhary is a writer, developer, founder, and a constant learner. He shares lessons and resources for living a fuller life every week. On this blog, he shares helpful guides and helpful articles that help his 70,000+ monthly readers find answers, solve problems, and meet their curious needs.

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