10 Tools to Build a Scalable Side Hustle Alongside Your 9-5

By Suraj Chaudhary

Are you looking to build a successful side hustle while still working a 9-5 job? You’re not alone! More and more people are exploring side hustles as a way to earn extra income, pursue their passions, and build a safety net.

But starting a side business can be challenging, especially when you have limited time and resources.

That’s where tools come in!

In this article, we’ll explore 10 powerful tools that can help you build a scalable and successful side hustle alongside your 9-5 job.

1. Notion

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In the world of digital tools designed to boost productivity and manage projects, Notion stands out as a remarkably versatile option. As a unified workspace where you can write, plan, collaborate, and organize, it’s essentially like having a second brain – which can be invaluable when it comes to building a side hustle alongside your 9-5 job. Let’s take a look at how Notion can help.

Centralized Workspace

Notion allows you to create a centralized workspace that integrates notes, databases, Kanban boards, wikis, and reminders. You can organize all aspects of your side hustle in one place, making it easier to navigate and manage.

Task Management

Notion enables you to visualize your workload with the use of Kanban boards, tables, and other customizable views. This can help you keep track of all your tasks, priorities, and deadlines, which is essential when juggling a side hustle with a full-time job.

Documentation and Note-taking

With Notion, you can create detailed notes, write plans, and document your processes. This is particularly useful when you’re developing new ideas for your side hustle or need to jot down insights as they come to you during your 9-5.


If your side hustle grows to the point where you’re bringing on team members, Notion’s collaboration features will prove invaluable. You can share pages with others, assign tasks, and comment directly on the work, making it a great tool for remote teamwork.

Integration with Other Tools

Notion seamlessly integrates with a variety of other tools, such as Google Calendar, Google Drive, and Slack. This can streamline your workflows and keep all your essential resources connected.

In conclusion, Notion is a comprehensive tool that offers a host of features to help you manage and grow your side hustle. Whether you’re just starting or looking to scale, Notion can adapt to your needs, helping you keep your side hustle running smoothly alongside your 9-5.

2. Canva

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Starting a side hustle alongside your regular 9-5 job can be challenging. Between managing your time, juggling tasks, and marketing your business, you’ll need tools to help you succeed. One of these tools is Canva, an online design platform that can take your side hustle to the next level.

Canva is a graphic design tool that can help you create professional-looking designs without any design experience. With Canva, you can create social media graphics, presentations, flyers, and more. Canva offers a range of templates, images, and design elements that you can customize to suit your brand and style.

Creating Professional Graphics

First impressions matter, especially in the digital world. Canva offers a range of design options to help you create professional and appealing visuals for your side hustle. From logo designs, and social media posts, to brochures and presentations, Canva’s easy-to-use interface lets you create stunning graphics without any design experience.

Brand Consistency

Canva helps maintain brand consistency across all your marketing materials. You can set your brand colors, fonts, and logo within the tool, ensuring that your brand image remains consistent across all platforms. This is crucial in building recognition and trust with your customers.

Social Media Marketing

When it comes to marketing your side hustle, social media is your best friend. Canva offers customizable templates for all major social media platforms, ensuring that your posts are always on point. You can also schedule your posts directly from Canva, making it easier to manage your social media marketing efforts.

Collaboration and Teamwork

As your side hustle grows, you might find the need to bring others on board. Canva facilitates collaboration with its team feature. You can share designs, leave comments, and collaborate in real time, making it easy to coordinate with your team, even if you’re working remotely.

Educational Resources

Canva isn’t just a design tool; it’s also a learning platform. With Canva Design School, you can learn new skills and improve your design knowledge. This is especially useful if you’re new to design and looking to enhance your skills for your side hustle.

In conclusion, Canva is a comprehensive design tool that can help elevate your side hustle. With its user-friendly interface and a vast array of features, you can create professional-looking designs that can help grow your business while managing your 9-5 job.

3. Trello

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Managing a side hustle while working a 9-5 job requires exceptional organizational skills. Trello, a project management tool, can be incredibly beneficial in maintaining an organized workflow. Here’s how Trello can help:

Task Management

Trello allows you to create cards for different tasks, which can be organized into lists on a board. This visual layout makes it easy to understand your workflow, keep track of tasks, and monitor progress.


If your side hustle involves other team members, Trello’s collaboration features are invaluable. You can assign tasks to team members, comment on cards, and share boards. This ensures everyone is on the same page and improves team efficiency.

Deadlines and Reminders

Trello lets you set deadlines for your tasks and sends you reminders to ensure you never miss a due date. This is particularly useful when juggling a side hustle with a full-time job, as it helps manage your time effectively.

Automation with Butler

Trello’s built-in automation tool, Butler, can automate routine tasks like moving cards between lists or assigning tasks to team members. This saves time and reduces the manual effort involved in managing your projects.

Integration with Other Tools

Trello can integrate with other tools such as Google Drive, Slack, and Zapier. This allows you to streamline your workflow by having all your necessary tools in one place.


Trello is accessible from any device with an internet connection, making it easy to manage your side hustle on the go. This means you can keep track of your tasks even during your 9-5 job or while commuting.

In conclusion, Trello is an excellent tool for managing and scaling your side hustle alongside your 9-5 job. Its task management, collaboration, and automation features, combined with its accessibility and integration capabilities, can significantly improve your productivity and organization.

4. Buffer

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Balancing a full-time job and a side hustle can be challenging, particularly when it comes to managing your online presence. This is where Buffer, a social media management tool, comes into play. Buffer offers features that can assist you in maintaining a strong and consistent presence on social media, a key aspect of scaling your side hustle.

Buffer is a social media management tool that can help you schedule and publish your social media posts. With Buffer, you can connect your social media accounts, create a content calendar, and schedule your posts in advance. You can also track your performance and analyze your results to improve your social media strategy.

Scheduled Posts

One of the primary features of Buffer is the ability to schedule posts in advance. This means you can plan and create content during your downtime, then set it to be posted at peak engagement times. This is especially useful when you’re busy with your 9-5 job but want to keep your side hustle’s social media active.

Multi-Platform Management

If your side hustle involves maintaining a presence on multiple social media platforms, Buffer is a godsend. It allows you to manage all your social media accounts from a single dashboard, saving you the time and hassle of logging into each platform separately.

Performance Analytics

Understanding what type of content resonates with your audience is key to scaling your side hustle. Buffer provides analytics that shows how your posts are performing across different platforms, helping you understand what works and what doesn’t.

Team Collaboration

As your side hustle grows, you may need to bring others on board. Buffer supports team collaboration, allowing you to invite team members to help manage your social media accounts. This can be especially useful as your operations scale and tasks need to be delegated.

Content Creation

Buffer’s Pablo tool allows you to create engaging social media images quickly. Even if you’re not a designer, you can easily create visual content for your social media platforms.

In conclusion, Buffer can play a crucial role in helping to manage and scale your side hustle while you manage your 9-5 job. With its scheduling, multi-platform management, analytics, team collaboration, and content creation features, it can help you maintain a consistent and effective social media presence.

5. Zoom

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Zoom, a popular video conferencing tool, can be a game-changer in managing and growing your side business. Here’s how:

Virtual Meetings

Zoom allows you to hold meetings with clients, suppliers, partners, or team members from anywhere in the world. This removes the need for physical meetups, saving you a significant amount of time and travel expenses. The time you save can be utilized to focus on other aspects of your side hustle.


Zoom isn’t just for meetings. You can also host webinars to reach a broader audience. This can be useful for a range of activities like product launches, training sessions, or even online workshops related to your side hustle.

Recording Features

Zoom allows you to record your meetings, which can be beneficial in several ways. If you’re holding a training session or brainstorming ideas, recording the session means you can go back and review what was discussed. This can ensure that no valuable information is lost.

Collaboration Tools

Zoom offers various collaboration tools like screen sharing and a virtual whiteboard. These features can facilitate better communication and make remote brainstorming sessions or presentations more effective.

Flexible Scheduling

With Zoom, you can schedule meetings at times that work for you. This allows you to arrange meetings around your 9-5 job without interrupting your work schedule.

Integration with Other Tools

Zoom integrates with a variety of other tools, such as Google Calendar and Slack. This helps streamline your workflow, saving you time and effort, which is crucial when you’re managing a side hustle.

In conclusion, Zoom is an invaluable tool for building a scalable side hustle alongside your 9-5 job. By facilitating effective communication and collaboration, and offering flexibility, Zoom can help you manage your time and resources more effectively.

6. Google Analytics

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One of the most valuable tools at your disposal is Google Analytics, a powerful platform that provides insights into your website’s performance. Here’s how it can help you scale your side hustle:

Understanding Your Audience

Google Analytics provides comprehensive data about your website’s visitors, such as demographics, interests, and behavior. This allows you to understand your audience better, enabling you to tailor your products, services, and marketing strategies to meet their needs effectively.

Measuring Success

Google Analytics allows you to set and track goals, providing you with insights into what’s working and what’s not. For instance, you can measure conversion rates, identify the most effective marketing channels, and understand user behavior on your site. These insights can guide you in optimizing your strategies and enhancing your return on investment (ROI).

Analyzing User Behavior

Google Analytics offers an in-depth analysis of user behavior on your site. You can see which pages are most popular, how long users stay on your site, and what path they take through your site. This can help you identify any potential issues and optimize your website for better user experience and engagement.

SEO Optimization

With Google Analytics, you can find out what keywords visitors use to find your site, providing you with valuable insights for your SEO strategy. This can help you to optimize your content and increase your visibility in search engine results, driving more traffic to your site.

Reducing Bounce Rate

Google Analytics can help you understand why visitors might be leaving your site quickly, known as a “bounce.” By identifying high bounce-rate pages, you can make the necessary improvements to keep visitors engaged longer, increasing the chance of conversion.

In conclusion, Google Analytics is a powerful tool for growing and scaling your side hustle alongside your 9-5 job. By providing valuable insights into your audience, measuring the success of your strategies, and helping you optimize your website and SEO, Google Analytics can play a crucial role in the success of your side business.

7. Shopify

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If your side hustle involves selling products or services online, Shopify can be an invaluable tool. Shopify is a comprehensive e-commerce platform that offers a multitude of features to help you start, manage, and scale your online store. Here’s how:

Easy Store Setup

Shopify provides a user-friendly platform where you can quickly set up your online store. It offers numerous customizable themes, allowing you to create a professional and aesthetically pleasing store without the need for extensive web design knowledge.

Product Management

Shopify makes it simple to add, edit, and manage your products. You can categorize products, track inventory, set prices, and add product descriptions and images. As you scale your side hustle, this kind of efficient product management becomes critical.

Secure Payment Processing

Shopify offers a secure and reliable checkout process, accepting payments from several different methods (credit cards, PayPal, etc.). This gives your customers flexibility and confidence in their transactions, improving their overall shopping experience.

Marketing and SEO Tools

Shopify provides a range of marketing tools and SEO features. These include promotional codes, custom gift cards, email marketing, and social media integration. Shopify also helps optimize your product pages for search engines, increasing your store’s visibility and traffic.


Shopify’s built-in analytics dashboard lets you monitor your sales, customer data, and other essential metrics. Understanding this data can help you make informed decisions about your products, pricing, and marketing strategies as you grow your side hustle.

Integration with Other Apps

Shopify’s App Store offers a wide array of third-party apps that you can integrate into your store for additional functionality. This includes apps for customer service, inventory management, and marketing, which can further streamline your operations.

In conclusion, Shopify is an all-in-one e-commerce solution that can play a crucial role in scaling your side hustle alongside your 9-5 job. By simplifying online store management and offering valuable features for sales, marketing, and analytics, Shopify can help you take your side hustle to the next level.

8. HubSpot

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In the challenging world of juggling a side hustle with a full-time job, efficient tools are your allies. HubSpot, a leading platform for inbound marketing, sales, and customer service, can significantly aid in managing and growing your side hustle. Here’s how:

Marketing Automation

HubSpot allows you to automate your marketing activities, such as emails, social media posts, and content publishing. This means you can schedule these tasks in advance and focus on your 9-5 job while HubSpot takes care of your marketing needs.

Sales Pipeline Management

HubSpot’s CRM provides an intuitive interface to manage your sales pipeline effectively. You can track leads, monitor the sales process, and forecast revenues. This allows you to have a clear overview of your side hustle’s sales performance.

Content Creation and SEO

HubSpot provides tools for creating and optimizing blog posts and landing pages, making it easier for you to generate quality content for your side hustle. It also offers SEO recommendations to help your content rank higher on search engines, thereby increasing your online visibility.

Email Marketing

HubSpot’s email marketing tool allows you to create and send professional-looking emails. You can segment your contacts, personalize your emails, and track their performance. This helps you maintain a strong relationship with your customers and prospects.

Analytics and Reporting

HubSpot provides comprehensive analytics and reporting features that let you measure the performance of your marketing, sales, and customer service efforts. This enables you to identify what’s working, what needs improvement, and how you can adjust your strategies for better results.

Integration with Other Tools

HubSpot can integrate with various other tools, such as Zoom, Shopify, and Google Workspace, streamlining your workflow. This helps save time and allows you to manage different aspects of your side hustle from one central location.

In conclusion, HubSpot is a robust tool that can help you manage and scale your side hustle alongside your 9-5 job. Its wide range of features allows you to automate and optimize your marketing, sales, and customer service efforts, helping you grow your business efficiently.

9. Grammarly

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Whether you’re crafting social media posts, writing blog articles, or communicating with clients and customers, effective written communication is crucial in managing and growing a side hustle. This is where Grammarly, an AI-powered writing assistant, can prove incredibly valuable. Here’s how:

Enhancing Your Writing

Grammarly checks your writing for common grammatical errors, punctuation mistakes, and sentence structure issues. This ensures that your communications are always professional and polished, helping to improve your brand’s image and credibility.

Improving Clarity and Tone

Beyond basic grammar and spelling checks, Grammarly also provides suggestions to improve clarity and conciseness. It even offers insights about the tone of your writing, helping you ensure your messages come across as intended.

Checking for Plagiarism

If your side hustle involves writing original content, Grammarly’s plagiarism checker is a valuable feature. It compares your text against millions of web pages, ensuring your content is unique and avoiding potential copyright issues.

Time Efficiency

By automating the proofreading process, Grammarly saves you a significant amount of time. This is crucial when you’re balancing a side hustle with a full-time job, as it allows you to focus more on strategic tasks instead of spending excessive time on manual proofreading.

Writing Insights

Grammarly provides insights about your writing habits, like your most common mistakes and productivity. Understanding these patterns can help you improve your writing skills over time.

Integration with Other Platforms

Grammarly can be added as an extension to your web browser and integrates with various platforms like Google Docs, Microsoft Office, and social media sites. This means you can write confidently and clearly across all the platforms you use for your side hustle.

In conclusion, Grammarly is a powerful tool that can help you maintain high writing standards while building a scalable side hustle alongside your 9-5 job. By enhancing your writing, improving efficiency, and providing valuable insights, Grammarly can contribute significantly to the success of your side business.

10. Zapier

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When you’re managing a side hustle along with a full-time job, efficiency, and automation become your best friends. Zapier, a tool that automates tasks between different web apps, can play an integral role in this context. Here’s how:

Automation of Tasks

Zapier enables you to automate repetitive tasks by creating ‘Zaps’, which are automated workflows between your apps. For instance, you can automate sending a thank you email to every new customer, or automatically save email attachments to Google Drive. This saves you time and allows you to focus on more critical aspects of your side hustle.

Integration Between Apps

Zapier supports thousands of apps, including Gmail, Slack, Dropbox, Shopify, and more. This allows you to create workflows between different tools you use, resulting in a seamless and efficient operation.

Increased Productivity

By automating routine tasks, Zapier significantly increases your productivity. This is especially useful when balancing a side hustle and a 9-5 job, as it enables you to accomplish more in less time.

Improved Accuracy

Manual data entry can often lead to errors. Zapier reduces the risk of such errors by automating data transfer between apps. This ensures more accuracy in your operations and improves your side hustle’s professionalism.

Flexible Workflows

Zapier’s workflows are flexible and can be customized to suit your needs. Whether it’s a simple task like syncing contacts or a complex process like automating sales reports, Zapier can handle it all.

In conclusion, Zapier is an exceptional tool for building a scalable side hustle alongside your 9-5 job. Its ability to automate tasks, integrate apps, and improve productivity and accuracy can significantly ease the pressure of running a side business and help you achieve your goals faster.

That’s a wrap!

Building a side hustle alongside your 9-5 job can be challenging, but with the right tools, you can increase your chances of success. Whether you need help with project management, graphic design, social media, e-commerce, or automation, these 10 tools can help you save time, stay organized, and grow your business. Give them a try and see how they can help you build a scalable and successful side hustle!

Suraj Chaudhary is a writer, developer, founder, and a constant learner. He shares lessons and resources for living a fuller life every week. On this blog, he shares helpful guides and helpful articles that help his 70,000+ monthly readers find answers, solve problems, and meet their curious needs.

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