Are MacBooks Worth It in the Long Run? A Comprehensive Guide

By Suraj Chaudhary

I’ve used both Macbooks and Windows computers heavily. While you could pick up a cheap windows laptop, are Macbooks worth it in the long run?

In this article, I’ll share exactly the answer to whether or not MacBooks are really worth it in the long run.

Choosing the right machine is crucial to what you be able to achieve in life. It is especially essential if you’re someone who wants to make money online.

Laptops are an essential device for most people now, especially those trying to build a strong career in this tech-heavy world. While there are numerous laptop options to pick from, MacBooks, from the prominent brand Apple, are renowned for their innovation and superior quality products. But, due to their elevated price, some may question the worth of investing in a MacBook for the long run.

In this extensive guide, we will discuss the pros and cons of owning a MacBook. This should give you a nice idea of whether or not you’d be willing to live with what Macbooks have to offer.

Should you buy a Laptop or a PC? Laptops vs PCs

First things first, let’s evaluate our options. If we really want to get some real work done, Laptops and PCs are the only options.

Honestly, you can get a decent PC setup for the price of an okayish laptop. The thing is laptops are more convenient to carry. That’s the biggest perk. On a normal budget, laptops are no comparison to PCs in terms of performance. But the convenience of owning a laptop is unbeatable.

There are only two things you have to consider:

First, if you are a video editor, a heavy gamer, or just someone who doesn’t really go out much, go for a laptop. You will be satisfied with the performance and the ROI.

However, if you’re someone who likes to travel, or switch locations while working, go for a laptop. Laptops are the best for creatives, and professionals. It provides you with a lot of flexibility in terms of where and how you can work.

Now that you have decided to get a laptop, let’s jump into MacBooks.

Owning a MacBook

Truth be told, you can build a beast PC setup for the price of a basic Macbook Air. But honestly, Macbooks are on a whole different level.

It it not only the so-called ‘Apple Ecosystem’ that makes using a Macbook such a pleasant experience, but also their performance, especially from 2020 after Apple started using their own silicon chips for their laptops.

Even the first generation of Apple’s silicon and the base Macbook Air M1 performs better than the high-end Intel i9 processors. And the battery life in these laptops is unbeatable. My own Macbook Air M1 which is a little over 2 years old now stills lasts for a minimum of 12 hours with my heavy usage of editing software and 12+ tabs opened in Chrome.

To add some more, here are the pros and the cons of using a Macbook:

Pros of Owning a MacBook

Performance Superiority & Consistency

Macbooks have a good reputation for lasting a long time. It is not just because of their great build quality, but also because of their many years of software updates and great performance. The M-chips have boosted what you can do with a Macbook. You can do the heaviest of creative and design tasks even on the base model Macbook Air.

Crazy Good Battery Backup

As I previously mentioned, the battery backup of the new Macbooks is amazing. It will easily last you a day when other laptops will struggle to keep up even for a few hours. I barely charge my own laptop. It just holds up very well.

High-Quality Build

MacBooks are famous for their premium construction quality, rendering them durable and long-lasting. The aluminum chassis ensures that the laptop can endure daily wear and tear, making it an ideal choice for those who require a reliable laptop for work or personal use.

User-friendly Operating System

Apple’s operating system, macOS, is intuitive and straightforward. It offers a smooth experience with features like AirDrop, Handoff, and Continuity, enabling one to work efficiently across all Apple devices.

Seamless Integration with Apple Ecosystem

A MacBook can provide seamless integration with other Apple devices if you are already invested in the Apple ecosystem. For instance, you can sync your iPhone and MacBook effortlessly to access your data and files across all your devices.

High Resale Value

MacBooks retain their value, making them an excellent investment. If you plan to upgrade to a newer model in the future, you can sell your old MacBook for a considerable sum, reducing the cost of your new purchase.

Cons of Owning a MacBook

Expensive Price Tag

One of the significant drawbacks of owning a MacBook is its hefty cost. Apple products are known for their high prices, and the MacBook is no exception. If you are on a tight budget, it may be challenging to justify purchasing a MacBook.

Limited Customization Options

Unlike Windows laptops, MacBooks have limited customization options. You cannot upgrade the RAM or storage, and the number of ports available on the MacBook is restricted, which could be problematic for some users.

Compatibility Issues with Non-Apple Devices

While MacBooks offer seamless integration with other Apple devices, they may have compatibility issues with non-Apple devices. If you frequently work with non-Apple devices, you may face compatibility issues.

Now that we’ve discussed the pros and cons of owning a MacBook, you may still be wondering if it’s worth the investment. As someone who has been using a MacBook for several years, I can say that it has been an excellent investment for me.

The high-quality build and user-friendly operating system have made it a joy to use, and the seamless integration with my other Apple devices has been a game-changer. I’ve also been able to sell my older MacBook models for a reasonable amount, which has helped offset the cost of upgrading to a newer model.

If you value design, aesthetics, along with performance, and are invested in the Apple ecosystem, then a MacBook may be the right choice for you. However, if you need more customization options and are on a budget, a Windows laptop may be a better fit.

Ultimately, the decision to invest in a MacBook is a personal one that depends on your individual needs and priorities. I hope this guide has helped you make an informed decision and choose the right laptop for your needs.

Are MacBooks better than Windows laptops?

It depends on your requirements. MacBooks are known for their premium build quality, user-friendly operating system, and seamless integration with the Apple ecosystem. However, they are more expensive than Windows laptops and have limited customization options.
If you value design and aesthetics and are invested in the Apple ecosystem, a MacBook may be the better choice for you. On the other hand, if you need a laptop that offers more customization options and is budget-friendly, a Windows laptop may be the better choice.

How long do MacBooks last?

MacBooks are known for their durability and long lifespan. With proper care and maintenance, a MacBook can last up to 7-8 years, which is longer than the average lifespan of a Windows laptop.

Should I buy a MacBook Air or MacBook Pro?

It depends on your needs. The MacBook Air is a lightweight, portable laptop that is ideal for everyday use. At the same time, the MacBook Pro is a more powerful machine that is suitable for those who need more processing power for demanding tasks such as video editing and gaming.

If you have any more questions or concerns, feel free to leave them in the comments below, and I’ll do my best to address them. Thank you for reading!

Suraj Chaudhary is a writer, developer, founder, and a constant learner. He shares lessons and resources for living a fuller life every week. On this blog, he shares helpful guides and helpful articles that help his 70,000+ monthly readers find answers, solve problems, and meet their curious needs.

2 thoughts on “Are MacBooks Worth It in the Long Run? A Comprehensive Guide”

  1. Excellent article. I’m using a 2012 MacBook Pro 15″. So with proper care a MacBook can easily go 10 years. Unfortunately, I think that the limiting factors are not durability but changes in technology and political issues like carbon tax.


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